Xperia 1

Let's determine your Trade-in Device Value.

Available Promotions

Congratulations! You’re trade-in qualifies you for a promotion.

With the promotion selected below, you will not be able to save this quote.

Does the device power up to the home screen and is a factory reset able to be performed? info_outline
Is the LCD/Touchscreen non-functioning, have dark spots, blemishes or is the glass broken or cracked? info_outline
Have all accounts been removed or turned off? For Example: Find My iPhone, iPad or Mac, Google, Find My Mobile, and Firmware Passwords or Locks for Laptops. info_outline

Sony Xperia 1

All Carriers
Device’s Trade-in value:


Quote for this device in Good Condition. To get a final quote, answer the questions and select Get a quote.

Get a quote

To continue your request, enter your device’s IMEI or serial number. Once you’ve entered this info, select Continue, this may take a few seconds.

How do I get my IMEI?

For most GSM phones, you can get the IMEI easily by dialing the following sequence:*#06#

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